The IB Diploma has been recognised by the Association of Indian Universities since 1983, which is applicable to all universities in India. The number of students completing the IB and applying to higher education institutes in India has grown substantially in the past few years. The IBO maintains a current list of universities with written statements recognizing the IB Diploma Programme, which can be downloaded from the ‘‘Guidance on university recognition in India (2016)’’ guide at The written statements are an evidence of the awareness and support by these universities. It can be useful to take print outs of recognition policies to admission officers as they may be unaware or new to the IB Diploma programme. Prior to commencing the DP, students and parents must be familiar with the required subject combinations and levels required for the course of study. Please check the university/college website, make direct contact with the university/college and talk to the DP coordinator and college counsellor at the school for college specific details.