Payment of non-refundable Registration fee
Online application link will be sent to you via e-mail
Original documents required for verification
Provisional Admission Confirmation will be sent to you via e-mail
Payments of fees as per the schedule through Bank/Online payment gateway within 3 working days of receipt of e-mail
On receipt of fees, Admission confirmation will be sent to you via e-mail
The Aarth Universal School will be a first of its kind international school in the inspirational setting of Surat.
Age of the child that must be completed "on or before 31st May" of the academic year in which admission is sort for.
: NurseryAge
: 3 years +Class
: Junior KGAge
: 4 years +Class
: Senior KGAge
: 5 years +Class
: Grade 1Age
: 6 years +Class
: Grade 2Age
: 7 years +Class
: Grade 3Age
: 8 years +Class
: Grade 4Age
: 9 years +Class
: Grade 5Age
: 10 years +Class
: Grade 6Age
: 11 years +Class
: Grade 7Age
: 12 years +Class
: Grade 8Age
: 13 years +Quick answers to questions you may have, Can't find what you're looking for? Check out our full documentation
Presently we have students till Grade 8. We shall be adding a grade every academic year.
There will be a maximum of 20 children per class from Junior Kg to Grade 5. In the middle school, there will be around 28 students in each class.
We believe that the daily practice and observation of values is the best way to teach values.
We plan to have an overall student : teacher ratio of 10:1 or lower. From Early Years to Grade 5, there will be two Homeroom Teachers per class.
Nursery – 08.30 to 11.30
Jr. KG, Sr. KG to MYP (Grades 1 to 8) – 08:30 to 15.15
Yes, our fees are comparatively lower than most of the other schools offering the IB programme in India. In order to cover our expenditures, like teacher training workshops, salary increments for whole school staff, infrastructural/technology improvements etc., we would need to increase the fees. The fees will increase by 10% each year under each head in normal economic circumstances.
We expect to have a 1:1 ratio of boys to girls.
At Aarth, we believe all children can learn. Although the school has evaluations for reading, writing and Maths skills as part of its admissions process, they are not used for eligibility purposes but rather for establishing a learning benchmark.
Please refer to the Admissions Process document that is a part of the admissions kit.
Yes, we have permission from the Gujarat State Government to run a school. We are an IB authorised school for the Primary Years Programme and we are a candidate school for the IB Middle Years Programme.
Sports will be an important part of the co-curricular and extra-curricular programmes of the school. We have a range of sports facilities for both indoor and outdoor sports.
Our integrated Sports programme makes individual and team sports integral to the curriculum. This holistic approach instils physical skills and values of teamwork, resilience, and lifelong well-being. At Aarth, we pride ourselves on nurturing students who will excel in sports and emerge as well-rounded individuals.
Our emphasis on Physical and Health Education (PSHE and PHE) within the IB curriculum is rooted in nurturing holistic student development. Aligned with the IB learner profile, our PSPE and PHE programmes ensure students thrive physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.
Our approach includes:
Home Learning and Thinking (HLT) is an integral part of the learning process. It allows the teacher to assess the mastery of concepts learnt in class and assist the child to apply the principles into practice. The amount received as HLT will be just right, not too less nor too more. As part of the Home Learning and Thinking policy at Aarth, students may be assigned practice, projects, journals and practical/project-based investigative reports, that could aid as a expansion to their knowledge. There would always be a reading component in order to enhance the child’s language skills.
Not yet. We will be considering After school Activities in the future.
Yes, field trips and outstation trips are an important part of the educational programme at Aarth. Students are taken for day trips, overnight camps and 2 – 5 day field trips in different parts of India or Abroad.
The entire month of May and some parts of June will be the summer vacation for students. The exact vacation schedule will be provided in the school calendar shared by the school at the beginning of the academic year.
Technology is used to support the curriculum, its use is not an end in itself. Classrooms are equipped with Interactive panels, TVs or projectors depending on the age group. Students also use the Design and Technology space. Primary students till Grade 4 will have access to laptops/tablets provided by the school, while Grade 5 onwards students will use their own laptops.
All students from Nursery to Grade 4 are provided devices by the school and are taught to use it in integrated lessons conducted by their teachers. From Grade 5 onwards, students will bring their own device. Please refer to the School’s ICT policy for more details.
Our school has Counsellors and Special Educators. The amount of support that we can provide can be determined only after an assessment of your child by a professional.
Our academic staff will help your child in transitioning to the PYP/Middle Years. We will ensure that he or she has the time and the support to adapt to the IB framework. The fact that the IB is based on practical hands-on experience and does not emphasise rote learning helps in making the transition.
While your child can shift to another curriculum, please check that the school you are moving your child to will help him or her make the transition.
The school will serve vegetarian & jain breakfast and lunch to students. Food will be prepared in our in house kitchen, which is monitored regularly by the management.
At Aarth, bus service is provided and it is most recommended. Please contact the school for details regarding the specific routes and timings.
Using the school bus is more eco-friendly. Each bus replaces a large number of cars. We feel it is important for students to understand the negative environmental impact of hundreds of cars travelling to the school every day, and to be able to make an eco-friendly choice. The school has air conditioned buses with the latest safety features, including GPS tracking, trained drivers and a female attendant in each bus. Your child will have a safe and comfortable ride to and from school, and will board the bus and alight from it within the school campus in full safety. Furthermore, the cost of using the bus service provided by the school is cheaper than using private vehicles.
Yes. While designing the school we have followed the relevant guidelines for disability and have a disabled-friendly campus. We have ramps and lifts so that all parts of the school are accessible, as well as handicapped toilets on each floor.
Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) is a non-profit educational organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. The IBO is an international organization, not associated with any particular country and free of any national, political or educational agendas. The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers high quality programs of international education to a worldwide community of schools. The three programs for students aged 3 to 19 help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. There are more than 5,96,000 IB students at 2,218 schools in 125 countries.
The four programmes are:
The IB programme is practical and application-based. It has a broader spectrum of subjects that lead to all-round development. IB examinations test students’ knowledge, not their memory and speed. There are no externally evaluated examinations till the Middle Years Programme (Class 10). The focus of the IB pedagogy is on ‘how to learn’ rather than ‘what to learn’. The purpose of the IB is to produce global citizens, but it can be well-integrated with the local curriculum. Hindi can be offered as a second language in the IB Diploma Programme. The IB curriculum is more challenging than educational boards like the CBSE and ICSE. The challenge is in the quality of assignments, not in the amount of work assigned.
Schools recognized by the International Baccalaureate Organization and offering the IB curriculum are known as IB World Schools. The list of authorized schools is available on the IBO website www.ibo.org.
The school will offer the Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the IB.
The IBDP is a comprehensive two-year course and is a rigorous academic program. It is designed as a pre-university program for students aged 16 to 19 that is accepted by leading universities around the world.. There are a wide range of courses designed to meet the interests and requirements of different students. In addition to the courses offered, it is unique because only the IBDP includes the Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) program, the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge course showcases not only the knowledge of the students but the skills they have developed as lifelong learners. Service is an important component of all the three programmes ensuring that the students reflect on their contextual learning and are motivated for self-initiated action for their community. Together these offer IBDP students experiences and skills they will not find in any other program.
DP students choose one subject from each of the following six ‘Subject Groups’:
There is more breadth and depth in higher level subjects. The content in HL subjects requires 240 teaching hours versus 150 hours for standard level. Generally higher level subjects are more rigorous than standard level.
The choice of IB subjects should be according to:
Theory of Knowledge is an essay of 1,200-1,600 words written on a given title (from a choice of ten), followed by a ten-minute presentation of the essay by the student in class.
The Extended Essay is an original independent research leading a DP student to produce a comprehensible written piece of 3,500-4,000 words in any chosen subject and title.
Under Creative, Action and Service (CAS), each DP student must complete at least 150 hours of work spread over one-and-a-half years, engaging in some form of creativity, participating in sport or other physical action, and doing social service.
Although the PYP, MYP and DP form a continuous sequence, each can be offered independently too. A student can join the IB Diploma Programme after completing the Grade 10 level qualifications from CBSE, ICSE or any other State Board. The Diploma Programme is equivalent to 10+2 level qualification through CBSE.
The rigour and high standards of the IBDP ensure that colleges and universities around the world recognize the IB Diploma as a superior academic program and a strong university entry credential. The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) rates the IB Diploma at par with Class 12 CBSE, ICSE, NIOS or State Boards. Many educational institutions and colleges have published their policies and entry criteria for IB students on their websites. For example, Delhi University colleges have specified their conditions for entry of IB students. The information is also available on the IBO website www.ibo.org Universities in over 110 countries recognize the IB Diploma and it will allow entrance to the most competitive universities around the world. The university admission authorities recognize the academic rigor of the IBDP, and value the “extra” parts of the Diploma, such as TOK, CAS and the Extended Essay.
The IB Diploma has been recognised by the Association of Indian Universities since 1983, which is applicable to all universities in India. The number of students completing the IB and applying to higher education institutes in India has grown substantially in the past few years. The IBO maintains a current list of universities with written statements recognizing the IB Diploma Programme, which can be downloaded from the ‘‘Guidance on university recognition in India (2016)’’ guide at http://www.ibo.org/about-the-ib/the-ib-by-country/i/india/. The written statements are an evidence of the awareness and support by these universities. It can be useful to take print outs of recognition policies to admission officers as they may be unaware or new to the IB Diploma programme. Prior to commencing the DP, students and parents must be familiar with the required subject combinations and levels required for the course of study. Please check the university/college website, make direct contact with the university/college and talk to the DP coordinator and college counsellor at the school for college specific details.
Universities can be confident that this is a rigorous and transparent process.
All curriculum documents are reviewed on a seven-year cycle. This cycle is not fixed and if significant change occurs in a body of knowledge (for example, computer science), then changes will be introduced more quickly. The cycle allows for:
At the end of the two-year program, students are assessed both internally and externally in ways that measure individual performance against stated objectives for each subject.
There are two kinds of IB assessments: External and Internal.
Some assessment methods include portfolios/dossiers, written essays, studio-work, experimental work, oral commentaries, as well as written exams and are tailored for different learning styles.
Considering that exams may or may not reflect what a student really knows and what he or she is able to do, having a variety of assessment tools allows the IB organization to fairly assess the student’s true ability.
In addition, the grading system for all the IB programs is criterion-referenced, to allow each student’s performance to be measured against well-defined levels of achievement. Assessments with oral and written components are assessed by examiners worldwide and monitored by chief examiners with ample experience.
The IB MYP Grade 10 Grade 12 e-assessments are typically conducted in May of each academic year.
Continuous assessments keep taking place in the form of formatives and summatives. Our strategies for assessing would include tests, presentations, performances, open ended tasks that would be criteria based. As parents you would be receiving term end report cards. Attending parent teacher meetings, student- led conferences and other school events that showcases student learning will help you know about your child’s progress. Students will also be maintaining their individual portfolios that will give an overall understanding of their academic development.
The IB is designed as a model of holistic education for the mid-range student and above. Statistically speaking, most students who earned the IB Diploma worldwide were of average or above average ability. It is not a programme designed only for geniuses. What the IB programme requires students to have are a strong work ethic, good time-management and solid study skills.
The IB DP is a rigorous two-year programme. It offers courses at different levels (Higher Level and Standard Level). In addition, language courses range from introductory level to native-speaker level.
The level of stress can vary from one student to another and can be reduced, depending on the student’s acquisition of healthy study and organizational skills. A student who procrastinates and does not know how to manage time effectively will find it difficult to reduce the stress. At Aarth, all students will be encouraged to complete assignments on time and meet the internal assessment deadlines. We also will be arranging separate sessions on how to manage time and reduce exam stress from industry experts to help our students.
The Diploma/Career Related Programme of the IB (Grades 11 and 12) are recognized as a school leaving qualification in India by AIU as well as across the world. Your child has the option of going to college/university in India or abroad.
A number of universities in India give provisional admission on the basis of predicted grades as the admissions in most Indian universities are completed by the end of June and the Diploma Programme results are declared on July 6. The percentage of transcript requests to Indian universities from IB schools in India has increased substantially from 44% in 2014, 46% in 2015 & 49% in 2016. In May 2016, the IBO processed 2103 transcript requests to colleges and universities in India. The most popular higher education destinations in India are the University of Mumbai, University of Delhi, NMIMS University, University of Pune, Christ University, Ashoka University, Manipal University and VIT University. Students must talk to their IB Diploma Programme Coordinator or College Counsellor at their school to help them through the process of admission to such universities.
The IB prepares students for a range of university programmes. However, subject choices in Grades 11 and 12 need to be aligned to the requirements of specific professional programmes, entrance test dates for professional courses need to be considered in relation to the DP academic calendar, and the date of release of DP results also need to be factored in when planning for college. We recommend that you regularly interact with our College Guidance Counselor as your child progresses through the school so that you can make an informed choice at the appropriate time.
At Aarth, we recruit our educators from various backgrounds and they all have to undergo rigorous in house training programmes before they start taking classes. All educators have to update their skills and knowledge by attending ongoing in-school PD(Professional Development) programmes as well as IB workshops.
Parents would be expected to provide a rich learning environment in their home to support their child’s academic achievement. Other parent involvement activities would be to communicate with the teacher and the school; attend school events; discuss school activities with their child and monitor and supervise the school activities.
Any IB school is a candidate school for the first two-three years, after which the IB conducts an assessment and then authorises the school to offer the PYP. The MYP authorisation follows a similar system. During candidature the school is fully functional and offers the PYP or MYP under the supervision of the IB. We are an IB World School, authorised for the PYP and now in the candidacy phase for the MYP.
IBO is a non- profit organization which is not a board or does not provide a curriculum. It has four distinct programmes- Primary Years Programme, Middle years programme and the Diploma Programme along with the Career- related programme. It provides a framework with a flexibility for schools to tailor their curriculum based on the national educational benchmarks. The approach is inquiry based where students are taught the skill of finding out their own answers. Focus is more on the concepts rather than the content so that it’s relevant, significant and engaging. Whereas, CBSE and ICSE are national educational boards of India that provide a specific curriculum for every subject. Examinations are conducted in a CBSE or an ICSE set-up. However, in an IB school one has open- ended assessments in the PYP, E- exams in the MYP and Diploma exams in grade 12 that are centralised from Cardiff, Geneva.
Welcome to Aarth Universal School, where education meets innovation, and every child's potential is nurtured to shine brightly, helping the students become creative and critical thinkers and problem solvers.
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AARTH is a school united by the joy of learning, excellence in achievement and development of character.
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Navigating the challenging quest of selecting the right school, Dipen Patel found the answer in Aarth Universal School – a beacon of holistic learning and excellence.
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